Prayer Requests

At Immanuel, we believe in the power of prayer. While you may not feel comfortable praying out loud, or you feel that you lack the eloquence of what you think a prayer should sound like, know this: Prayer is simply talking to God. And He doesn't care if you load it up with Thees and Thous or it is a mere groan - He knows. So feel free to submit your prayer request here - Pastor Tyler and our care team will spend time in prayer for you, with absolutely no judgment or condemnation. If you would like the prayer included in our public prayers printed in the bulletin, please mark "Make Everything Public". Thank you, and God bless!

Ongoing Prayer Requests

Please take a moment, if you're willing, to lift up these requests in your personal prayer time. Thank you!


I need prayer that God will make me completely holy and that I would be completely set apart from sin.


Dear Jesus, please pray for a supernatural power to breakthrough every obstacle and Jesus is the great Door opener, open doors for me, for Viola Cleo Bradshaw and rescue her from the pit of hell, and there is a hole in me, please pray to repair and restore myself. Make me whole. I need deep peace and deep sleep. My soul and mind is trapped behind a block of concrete. Pray to smash the door. "GOD IS MERCIFUL, GRACIOUS SLOW TO ANGER, ABOUNDING IN LOVE, MAINTAINING LOVE FOR THOUSANDS, FORGIVING OF WICKEDNESS, REBELLION, SIN, ABUNDANT IN GOODNESS AND TRUTH" EXODUS 34:5-6. Amen. Thank you.